Halloween in Central Texas is a fun time. Children love the chance to dress up as their favorite characters and stroll the streets for treats. This year, skip some of the overly sweet foods and consider these delightful candy alternatives.
Apples and Pears
As the fall season continues in Central Texas, many people look for fall fruit to enjoy. A crisp apple or juicy pear is the perfect thing to eat on a warm fall day. Apples and pears come into perfect ripeness during this time of the year. Go apple picking or head out and buy a few different varieties of Granny Smiths and Empire apples. Fall fruit makes wonderful candy alternatives. Wash the fruit before you give it so it's even safer to eat.
Flower Seeds
Fall is a great time to think about planting things. Flowers fill up the senses and help teach kids the value of gardening. Parents love this safe, fun alternative to candy that their kids can keep and then plant on their own. Kids also love to help create a flower garden of their own. Look for seeds that will grow flowers native to the Texas area and need little watering to survive. Put them in small paper bags. Label each bag with a list of flowers that should result when the kids plant them.
Pencils and Crayons
Give kids the treat of self-expression with a box of pencils or crayons. Small boxes of crayons and colored pencils are available in many dollar stores. A box of crayons encourages creativity and helps kids learn the names of colors. Little kids love playing with crayons. Older kids relish the chance to use pencils to make drawings. Look for crayons that are washable. Parents will appreciate your thoughtful treat.
Sticker Packets
Kids of all ages enjoy sticker packets. Purchase stickers with a Halloween theme like pumpkins or creepy crawlies for the older kids. Small kids like stickers with a princess theme for girls or a truck theme for boys. Other popular themes include animals, glow in the dark stickers and those consisting of individual letters. Many sticker packets have multiple strips inside a single large sticker container. Open the package and remove each individual sticker page. You can then give out stickers to each kid at your door.
Kids Washable Tattoos
All kids love a fun washable tattoo to show off to their buddies. There are so many fun options to buy and these are easy to get in bulk. Kids of all ages will enjoy this uniquely fun treat as an alternative to candy.
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Posted by Shane White on
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